Wednesday, 19 May 2010


An interesting word, and one which I've seen popping up in those strange job ads in the public sector recently. I've no idea what it means, so naturally I turned to Google (my friend). I saw a link to the Department of Health. They deal with persons, I thought, let's go and have a look there.

Error 404: Error page

We are sorry but the page you are looking for cannot be found. It may have been removed, had its name changed or be temporarily unavailable.

OK. Presumably the definition is being reworked due to the new administration. I can see that.

Meanwhile, though, experts in personalisation - old stylee, we must assume - are still much in demand, at least in Barking & Dagenham:

Group Manager - Commissioning
"In Barking & Dagenham, personalisation has seen a major shift in the way we deliver choice and control through excellent social care services.

We need creative energetic people to join our team, who share our passion and vision for personalisation and have the hands on experience to make this a reality for local residents.

The Group Manager for Commissioning will have a key role in developing a range of good quality, safe and affordable opportunities, experiences and services which enable local residents to lead independent lives through a variety of commissioning, stimulation and development methods, in partnership with key agencies and stakeholders and other public sector commissioners.

If you have experience of commissioning or directly managing the delivery of health or social care / support/housing services, including procurement, and have an understanding of the role of care and support services in the context of Personalisation, we’d like to hear from you."

Thank you, a well-deserved round of applause. Who could not admire the way they got all the essentials in there: 'creative... passion and vision... personalisation... make this a reality...' and all in the first paragraph. Some would have thought it quite a daring risk to leave 'stakeholders' as late as paragraph three, and 'delivery' down in the poor-rent paragraph four. The boldness of that decision leaves us breathless, and must surely have involved countless meetings, consultation, flag-flying tests and deep-diving.

All that said, what does it mean? Any ideas? Is it like 'Total Place', another phrase which keeps popping up in local guvmint jobs and which presumably means something to somebody? I have to say it means sod-all to this local guvmint voter.

Admittedly, I'm a small sample. They always said it would stunt my growth.

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